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Do you want your weight loss treatment to be successful? These are the methods you should include

March 16, 2017



reducción de peso Excess weight or excessive accumulation of body fat is currently one of the most serious epidemics in the world and the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases and other health issues. Undoubtedly, maintaining a healthy and ideal weight is crucial not just for appearance but for maintaining good health and increasing life expectancy.

A study conducted by researchers from the Lipids and Diabetes Division of the Faculty of Medicine at the National University of Colombia found that nearly 40% of Bogotá residents are at intermediate or high risk of heart attack due to being overweight, with women showing higher levels of abdominal obesity. For this reason, the demand for effective weight loss treatments in Bogotá has grown significantly, especially among women.

It's no surprise that one of the most common goals when starting a new cycle is losing weight. Many people are eager to begin a weight loss treatment without fully understanding what it involves. Driven by anxiety and a lack of knowledge, many people end up not seeing the desired results or experiencing the dreaded rebound effect (regaining the lost weight) shortly after completing their treatments.

The truth is that the key to healthy and lasting weight loss lies in habit changes that improve your metabolism. There are specific methods that should be followed patiently and persistently, but many therapists overlook these in their weight loss treatments. Below, we outline these methods and explain how they contribute to successful and healthy weight loss.

Balanced Diet

Tell us what you eat, and we'll tell you who you are. As clichéd as it may sound, a healthy diet is the foundation of health, and therefore, it is a crucial factor in any process aimed at changing or improving your body. A balanced diet is essential for reducing body fat levels and providing the necessary energy while losing weight.

Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to stop eating to lose weight. Ideally, you should have 5 to 6 small, balanced, and nutritious meals per day. Eat carbohydrates in moderation and consume plenty of fiber and protein to speed up your metabolism, burn fat, and promote muscle growth.

Exercise Routine

Leave behind a sedentary lifestyle and start moving whenever you can: take the stairs, go for walks in the park, take a day to swim, or simply dance. Exercise not only helps you burn calories, increase muscle mass, and mobilize fat, but it also helps release endorphins and makes you feel good.

Joining a gym, swimming classes, or aerobics classes can be an excellent option, as exercising in a group can be more motivating. Remember that while cardiovascular exercise is essential for weight loss, muscle building is also important as it strengthens you for increasing the intensity of your routines. So don't be afraid to use weights.

Massage Therapy Sessions

Reducing massages are incredibly helpful in a weight loss treatment. If you're already on the path to your ideal weight, taking massage therapy sessions can continue stimulating weight loss externally, helping reduce measurements, eliminate retained fluids, and remove localized fat from the most challenging areas of your body.

Professional Guidance and Support

If you're unsure of what to do to lose weight healthily, immediately consult a professional for guidance. Since maintaining an ideal weight is important for your health, your first step should be consulting a doctor who will determine the causes of your excess weight (hormonal or dietary) and create an appropriate action plan. They may refer you to an endocrinologist, nutritionist, or even a therapist.

If your issue is hormonal, the endocrinologist can help improve your metabolism by restoring missing hormones or controlling those in excess. The nutritionist will design a meal plan tailored to your needs and goals. Meanwhile, the therapist can help manage potential anxiety issues and change habits without causing a major impact.

Besides doctors, remember you can also seek help from trainers to design exercise routines suited to your needs and professional massage therapists for better results and minimal discomfort during your reducing massages.

Keep in mind that professional guidance is the most important factor for achieving results in every step of your weight loss treatment in Bogotá. Fortunately, if you're interested in starting your weight loss treatment now or have already begun, at Natural & Spa, we have a team of specialized estheticians and massage therapists ready to support your weight loss journey. Schedule your appointment now by contacting Natural & Spa or filling out the contact form on this page. Remember, you can also find us on Facebook as Natural & Spa and on Instagram @Naturalyspa.



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